The Strat Monitor
Designed to allow you to see the status of the market as a whole, and individual symbols in detail using TheStrat to provide context.
Show Timeframe Continuity for all supported timeframes
Supports two timeset views, Day trader and Swing trader
Show when Full Timeframe Continuity is in place for any 4 consecutive timeframes
Show the current candle state for each timeframe
Show the current pattern, if any, on all timeframes
Shows both In-force and Actionable patterns
Update every 5 seconds (configurable from 1 second)
Allows you to click on the panel to open a chart on the selected symbol and timeframe
You can choose what chart template will be used to open charts
You choose what groups and symbols in those groups to display
The indicator displays a snapshot overview of all the key Strat elements , Timeframe continuity, current patterns, and current candle states, of any symbol supported by your broker. It does this for all supported timeframes so you can see exactly what's happening right now in the market.
You can group the symbols as you wish and choose the title of the buttons relating to each group. Having all the symbols of a particular type on screen at the same time allows you to spot similarities across the group, aiding your analysis.
More information on the Configuration File can be found here:
If a symbol is currently un-tradable, market closed, broker disabled etc. then the symbol panel will show the latest available data but gray out the display. A small LED light icon also shows this.
New Feature!
We have added the ability to switch between two different sets of timeframes. The current set is the typical Strat timeset of Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Quarterly and Yearly, while the new timeset has 5, 15, 30 minutes, 1 and 4 hour and daily timeframes.
As with all our tools, new features are automatically delivered FREE to existing users!